
For many people today, a career for life is no longer an option. Most people will hold jobs with a variety of employers and move across different employment sectors through their working life. Your education and experience may make you eligible to apply for a job but, to be successful in most roles, you will need skills that you are likely to develop over time. Some will be specific to the job, but the vast majority will be so-called ‘soft skills’ that can be used in any job or employment sectors. These soft skills are ‘employability skills’: they are what makes you employable. We offer the development of this skill set to map resource to better opportunities in the market with stability


The most important employability skills are in the areas of:

This learning Intervention is casted to ensure phase 2 of Employability Development for stability with better exposure and sustenance

This offering of learning aims at educating and culturing the first line managers who will take up the responsibility of developing the resource pool for the organization for better revenue and environment. We ensure that the FLM (First Line Managers ) are ready to take up the role and responsibility of a POC to whom the ethics and values of the organization is known and followed . The way the FLMs interact with their team designs the ongoing process for the production and learning operations making them integral in the selection and execution process for their Company.

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